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k+e // wedding preview

 They didn't want to see each other before the wedding so they did blindfolds... too cute!!

 The darling flower girl-

Getting to second shoot for Kevin and Casey's special day was an incredible experience. I loved it... the whole ENTIRE experience!!! 


Book a Shoot For Summer!

The sun is bright, the flowers are blooming, each plant screams life! So what do you say to doing a photo session together? Now is the perfect time to book your shoot for the summer!!! 

Let's go relish an ice cream cone together, enjoy the day in a field of wildflowers, watch the sun slowly set in a peach orchard, stroll around a quaint little town and find that perfect alley, make merry at the local fair, venture downtown and explore the hundreds of old brick walls, have a pleasant picnic at the park, or stop to smell all of the roses in a breathtaking garden. 

This summer will pass as last summer and with it the people we love will grow and change. The moments are short and fleeting. Don't pass up this opportunity. Let me help you capture the laughter and joy of the people you love the most. 


Travels- Thoughts Upon Departing NYC

With sudden acts of motion, the taxi cab winds its way through the jam packed streets of New York City. I hear the sounds of the city, the blaring horns, the squeaks caused by many cars breaking abruptly, the sirens. Gazing out the window, I watch the blurred motion of a crowd darting in different directions. This crowd feels as one body until I lean closer to the window and perceive individuals. Men and women on a mission. Well to do, and well dressed... to say the least. Each person walking alone, heading in a particular direction, which seems very familiar to them. Yet peace, joy and rest appear not.

Attempting to shut out the present vision and roaring babel, I close my eyes. 

I remember.

I remember the time spent with my Dad, Mother and sister over the past weekend. The trip was short-lived but it left memories, things I won't ever forget… well at least I pray I won't. Lessons learned and moments to treasure. 

I go farther back in my brain and hear my Father a week before commenting across the dinner table about us probably never having an opportunity like this again. It had made me tear up… don't ask me why but it did. Somewhere inside of me, I knew down deep he was right. It had been so providential. He probably wouldn't be going on a business trip to New York again anytime soon and we probably, just the four of us, would never be able to do something like that again. It was special… it wouldn't be replayed.

Opening my eyes, I refocus once more on the road before me. The humongous billboards, the skyscrapers, all surrounding the road we were traveling on. We were nearing the airport. How had this short special trip flown by so fast? Could it really be over?

Reaching our final destination, we paid our taxi driver and made our way inside. After checking our luggage and making it through security, we waited for about an hour until we boarded the plane.
Walking through the gateway leading into the plane I felt one more burst of New York City air upon my face. And I once again recalled… the people, the busyness, the money, the vivacious cycle of wanting more, wanting better. Head to toe name brands, fame, and success. 
All of those people can keep their Prada and Louis Vuitton bags, they can keep their three thousand dollar dresses. They will never bring them joy. Owning five different pairs of Coco Chanel sunglasses won't do them any good once this life is past.
They have it all… but Jesus. 

Finding my assigned seat on the plane, I sit down. 
Oh God! so many times in my life I think I need more than what you have so graciously bestowed upon me. I've thought it, "Life would be so great as a millionaire… I mean, I like name brands!" 

The plane begins to lift off the runway and we soar across the Hudson river. 
Lord, I don't want millions… I have Jesus. What a possession!!!


It's a Miracle... SERIOUSLY!!!

Drum roll.... 
I officially have a Facebook Page!! YAY!
No really it's a big deal, I thought setting it up was going to be the end of me. It was close but I survived:) You would think anybody could set one up but you know me and my INCREDIBLE computer skills. To make things worse someone had already stollen the page Meghan B. Photography so I had to go with Meghan B. Murphy Photography. I was so frustrated, I was furious at those people for stealing my name and trying to make it harder on me. "Don't they realize how much trouble I'm already having?!". Then I realized they probably weren't trying to make it harder for me and they kind of had just as much right to Meghan B. Photography as I did:)
Well anyways...
It's complicated. No, I'm complicated. 
So, please be sure and get on Facebook and like my page. Thanks so much to all of you faithful blog followers. Your support is greatly appreciated!

p.s. I think this link will work... no promises!!


Photo Shoot- S Couple

It drizzled throughout this quick couple shoot but they were both great sports!! The Garden of Gods definitely made a completely different backdrop than anything I've used before. 
Personally, I have found shooting a couple is completely different from a family. Once you get the two of them two interact all you have to do as a photographer is sit back and snap! Fun, RIGHT?!?!