I confess. I'm a foodie.
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My New Year's Resolution
2012 has come to a close. All thoughts, actions, words said, words unsaid, adventures and experiences of last year are over. All we have left are fond memories to cuddle, and stories to tell. What's done is done. There's no going back to fix the past. This month is the month for New Year's resolutions, new dreams, new hopes. People all around us are resolving to commit themselves to more exercise, healthier eating, being a better person, not making as many mistakes, spending less money, getting a better job, spending more time with their family, giving more to others, not wasting time on the computer, watching less TV, spending less time in doctor's offices, etc. NONE of those things are bad but I can't help but pray that as a person I will be drastically different at the close of the year 2013(if the Lord graciously spares me). I want so much more to come of 2013 than health, fitness, and a better lifestyle. Don't you? I mean seriously, is that all you can think of that might need changing in your life?
I know for me that I would like to exercise more this next year, eat healthier, be a better person, make less mistakes, spend less money, give more to others, not waste time on the computer, and DEFINITELY spending less time in doctor's offices (*smile*). But from what God has taught me this past year I have come to realize that God wants soooooooo much more for me than healthier eating, a better life, less mistakes, less time in doctor's offices, less money spending, etc. God wants this next year of my life to be a sanctifying year in which He will further fashion and design me to bring him greater praise and glory. In truth without the grace of God NO man can accomplish ANY resolution, no matter how small.
So with all this said, in the year of 2013, I humbly resolve to give all of my hopes and dreams over to The magnificent Dreamer who has dreams for me that are exceedingly and abundantly far more than I could ever imagine. With a brokenness of spirit I ask that God would give me a heart that reflects the love of my Savior. I ask that God would further break me and continue to show me my weakness and frailties compared to His infinite power. I ask that God will make my heart to long with greater fervor for wisdom and knowledge. And last but not least, I desire, no I plead, that God will graciously provide me with a stronger love and awe for who He is as the Maker of the universe, the Savior of the world, the God of all justice and the Founder of all love. Lord I resolve to give You my everything. Take me and use me.
"Take my life and let it be consecrated Lord to Thee."