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A Few of My Favorite Things- Shadows
Each and every year that I live, God continues to gives me a greater amazement for the little things in life that He's created. I find myself marveling at the lingering dew that provides the enjoyable sensation of coolness on my barefoot feet as I soak in the morning's new sun. I find myself awe struck at the multitudes of stars that make themselves known each night as they peep their heads out making a beautiful impression of an almost glitter filled backdrop. Then there's the gloaming each evening that comes after the sun finishes it's beautiful array of color and has dropped behind the trees, leaving a beautiful world behind with a leftover feeling of the sun's blessedness and warmth. There is the enchanting charm about evening when the orchestra of crickets and bullfrogs begin their song as they each sing their part in the symphony of praise to their Maker. There is the whistling noise caused by a rapid burst of air in the woods and a gurgling brooke filled with crystal clear liquid making it's way through a directed path on to its next destination. I watch a dragonfly that has been making a humming noise, come to a stop, as she finds herself caught in an intricately woven web and prepared for the owner of the web's next meal. I walk across a path and stare at my shadow stretching out in front of me. Everything, yes indeed everything, points to a creator. The dew, the sun, the stars, the crickets, the bullfrogs, the wind, the stream, the dragonfly, the spider and the shadows are all playing their part in the magnificent painting designed and scripted by the One who calls us His children. I took this picture while at the beach with my Mom's family and tickled my uncle to death as I laid myself flat on the staircase to capture the reflection taking place, as the light hit the railing. The truth is though, I'm unashamedly amazed by shadows because the God I serve, created shadows for our enjoyment to point us towards a greater beauty.
Photo Shoot- "S" Family
I'm thrilled to be able to share with you several of the pictures from a family shoot I did on Saturday!
I think this one is my favorite-
The Three Kiddos-
LOVE the Laughter-
Definitely a Cutie Pie!